Biocontainment Personal Protective Equipment, c. 2014



Biocontainment Personal Protective Equipment, c. 2014




In early September, the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit (NBU) successfully treated its first patient, Rick Sacra, MD. Dr. Sacra contracted Ebola while treating patients in Liberia. He was discharged from the NBU later that month. In early October, the unit received and treated a second patient who was discharged later that month after being declared Ebola-free.

While the biocontainment suits were used during the early stages of transporting and treating patients, the NBU team transitioned to the high-level PPE displayed here once the patient was settled in the secure unit.


Donated by Kathleen Boulter, MPH, RN, nurse manager of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit, from the McGoogan Health Sciences Library Special Collections and Archives

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