David Brett-Major, MD, discussing the Critical Questions and Ethics mechanism created for research during COVID-19



David Brett-Major, MD, discussing the Critical Questions and Ethics mechanism created for research during COVID-19


1 April 2022


David Brett-Major: I pitched a critical questions and ethics mechanism to be embedded as part of the response team and Dean Khan and Chris Kratochvil and Shelly Schwedhelm they were very receptive to this, and I reached out to two really excellent UNMC faculty members. Rachel Lookadoo, who's a public health attorney, and Abbey Lowe, who's a bioethicist, and they took on that mission and have continued to do it, convening a weekly open table responding to targeted questions and there were a lot of them initially and ultimately expanding those lanes of work when it seemed like it mattered. Abby eventually formed an external ethics board and has been managing referral ethics consultations and position papers. In addition to that group, critical questions and ethics, still operating, Rachel, with Abby and others, and with help and I think some guidance from Shelly Schwedhelm they really leaned in and organized the Nebraska Crisis of Care—Standards of Care activities. That has turned out to be really useful and I think unique. I'm not aware of an actual response team structure that's ever tried to do quite that.


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